Thursday, January 19, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that the truly special and unique things about you are indeed special. Sometimes we lose track of that, and we might start to feel like perhaps no one understands us or there is something wrong with us.
There's not.
We all possess certain traits or qualities that are specific to who we are. Mostly these are abstract ideas or emotions, and while it may be frustrating at times, it is a gift. Not just a gift to you, but quite possibly a gift to the world.
Everything we know, every bit of science or art, started off as a vague concept in someone's mind. Someone came up with a different way of looking at things and showed that to the world and everything changed again.
Some were vilified, some were laughed at, but in the end what usually happens is that they were proven right and the world moved ahead.
The things that are the same about us give us strength, the things that make us different change the world. Sometimes in tiny ways, sometimes in paradigm shifts.
So the stars want to tell you, let your freak flag fly. The people that love you understand and the ones that don't never will, so the hell with them.
Show the world how different you are, and you just might find you're not that different after all. You might inspire, you might make them think, you might bring some joy to someone's life

And you might change the world.

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