Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars marvel at us humans, the same way we marvel at the stars. They see that two of the most outstanding qualities we possess are our endless adaptability and our tenacious determination.
They also marvel when we get it absolutely backwards. We refuse to adapt the times we should, and we refuse to let go when there's nothing worth holding onto any more.
We do it all the time. We grow older, but not necessarily wiser. Pride will not let us admit that there are some things we cannot do now that we did when we were younger. We end up looking foolish or getting hurt, because we can't accept things for what they've become. We won't allow ourselves to ask for help, or hire someone else to do it.
We stubbornly refuse to change and grow, and the ones we love pass us by because they refuse to stagnate with you.
Yet we allow ourselves to adapt to situations that are not good for us. We grow accustomed to abuse and control, and soon we come to believe that it is how it's always been. And so it goes.
We cling to things that are bad for us, because we are afraid of being alone or unloved. Afraid that instead of the flaws we see in those around us, there is something wrong with us, and we adjust our self esteem accordingly.
At the same time we will give up on the things we truly want because indecision and doubt make us think we are wrong, and guilt and insecurity make us feel we are not worthy.
Most of our lives, frittered away on being too compromising or not compromising enough.
The stars are amazed by us, but sometimes they are amazed how wrong we get it. They are truly amazed at the precious things we waste, because in our hearts we all know what is true. But still, we go on denying it.

But we all know, and we can never forget it, even after the chance is gone.

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