Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that not every situation is cut and dry, and has a simple, immediate fix.  People want quick answers to everything, and while that might work with dishwasher repair and credit card approval, it is usually impossible when it comes to any kind of dealings between two human beings.
People are complex.  Sometimes they are not at all complex, which oddly enough, makes things even messier.  
Some people are takers, and some are givers, and to a certain degree that’s how relationships work.  Ideally, it is 50/50, but that is very seldom the case.  Some people like drama, they equate it with love.  Some people like abuse, they equate it with love.  Some people like to be dominated and controlled, they equate it with love.  
Point is, there are a lot of weird things that people equate to love, because people are messed up from the moment they are old enough to think.  They are influenced by their parents, their peers, TV and movies, Madison Avenue, pretty much everything that they come in contact with.  Then  you top all that off with their own fears and insecurities, it is a recipe for disaster.
When we see someone we care about seemingly being taken advantage of, we try to offer advice or fix things for them, but there is no fixing something that in their eyes isn’t broken.  
We are all guilty of it.  We all do things that are not best for us, but we can’t seem to help it.  It is such a fine line between helping and enabling, caring for someone and letting them damage you, love and manipulation.  
There is no definitive line, and the people that try to draw one often end up cutting themselves off from life in the process.  You either play the game, or sit on the sidelines, and neither is really a great option.
Life is treacherous, with minefields and tests to navigate constantly, but as long as more than one person is involved, that’s just how it is.  It is up to you to decide what you want, to figure out who is manipulating or lying to you, who has your best interests at heart, and when to fight harder or to walk away.  

Again, the stars want to remind you that there is seldom a simple formula for working these problems out, so if you keep hoping to find one, you are chasing your tail.  More importantly, if you think you found one, chances are you are fooling yourself and missing out on the whole point of life in the first place.

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