Monday, August 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope - Friday Bonus!

All signs:
The stars want to once again take this opportunity to congratulate you on making it through another week. They are proud of all you accomplished, and whether you moved mountains or simply arrived at Friday without completely losing it, they commend you.
They know life can be frustrating, and people can sometimes be exasperating. They can be stubborn, they can be foolish, they can cling to their beliefs even though they know they are wrong.
So the next time you are arguing with someone about something and they refuse or are incapable of seeing the obvious, the stars want you you ask you: “what are you trying to prove?”
There comes a point where you should just let it go and realize that you've come to a place where it's now egos clashing.  You've proved your point, but that's never going to be enough. The original point is moot, and it's time to move on rather than ruin a friendship or Thanksgiving dinner.
There is an old proverb, “never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.”  
So put your energies towards something that brings you satisfaction, and do what you need to make the world better and make you happy. Have a relaxing weekend, and just leave the pigs alone.

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