Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
If you want someone to love you, earn it. If you want someone to respect you, earn it. If you want someone to trust you, to depend on you, to think that you're special, earn it.
We often think that we are entitled to all those things, and we are, to a certain extent. We are entitled to the opportunity. We have to earn the rest. We can't just expect people to assume that we are caring or trustworthy or dependable, and put their lives in our hands, we must show them. That means we actually have to be those things, otherwise the moment will come when we will be exposed for the liars that we are.
Just saying “I love you”, or saying you'll be there, or pretending to listen or care, and not following through on it is one of the worst betrayals you can commit. It can ruin people's lives, as well as your own.
The stars also want to remind you that some people are just not capable of loving or respecting or trusting someone, usually because they can't love, respect, or trust themselves. The best you can do for these people is to ensure them that no matter what they have experienced or lived through, all those things are possible. Be a living example of that. You should probably forget about trying to earn these people's love and respect, though, at least as a romantic partner, because until they start trying to fix themselves, it's not going to happen. Often, the opposite happens; you lose some of your own self respect and confidence.
When you start being the type of person you want people to think you are, you have a lot of the battle won. Then you can expect that of others. Then you will have earned it.

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