Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes you arrive at a point in your life where everything is broken. That happens, to all of us.
The stars suggest that you treat it like anything else that breaks. Determine if it’s beyond fixing, and if it is, toss it out. If it can be salvaged, take the opportunity to fix it, and make it better. Look at it as a chance to wind up with something stronger and nicer.
Many times, the only way we move on and improve is when we can’t just patch something up and keep it working. We strive to do that, no matter how inefficient and ultimately damaging it really is. Breaking down is a part of living, part of the universe.
The stars want you to know that you don’t have to let it frighten or paralyse you. Instead, treat it like another opportunity.
Fix it.

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