Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some days you're going to wake up feeling melancholy, some days you'll wake up feeling like you can conquer the world. Sometimes you'll wake up in a bitter mood, or filled with anxiety and dread. Maybe you'll wake up to find yourself full of optimism, and pregnant with ideas and creative energy.
The point is, we often wake up feeling like we are already in the midst of something, as if your day started without you, and you're full of emotions or in some situation, even though you've been in bed unconscious for the last eight hours or so. Perhaps it is some lingering residue from your dreams. Maybe it's your subconscious keeping track of things you'd rather forget. It might just be your body chemistry adjusting to the waking world.
The stars recommend that when you wake up, you try to do a soft reset. See if whatever you are feeling when you wake up has some specific reason for being there, and if not, close your eyes and let it all slip away. Not all your moods have validity, and not everything you feel is actually important and real. Your brain is at the mercy of a lot of biological and electromagnetic processes, not to mention the stress and confusion that comes with everyday life. Too often, we devote a lot of time to vague feelings of dissatisfaction and anger, sadness and dread, when it really has no basis in fact. We let it start us on our day kneecapped, and let it affect everything we do.
So each morning, clear the garbage out, and focus on what's really going on. Then start the day fresh, free from whatever mishmash of junk was gumming up the works. Don't worry, you're going to find new feelings of misery or joy soon enough.

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