Monday, July 15, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you of the old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” It’s a good thing to remember these days. It seems like everything is vying for our time. Jobs are getting more and more stressful and demanding. People seem to need more attention. You have your own real life, as well your online life. All your roles, as parent, lover, friend, employee, and a million little offshoots from all of them.
We often get to a point where life seems to be a long list of things to do, and we can’t wait to go down it with a mental marker and cross things off. We become more concerned about getting things done than about how well we do them.
And who’s to blame you? We are overloaded, all of us. We are pulled in so many directions, and there is such an abundance of everything in the world that no matter how hard you try, you still feel like you are missing out.
So the stars suggest that while you are trying to organize everything, to get things done and rank the importance of stuff in your life, that you make sure you give the important things the time and care they warrant. If something doesn’t feel right, if you think you can do it better, then make some time or hold off until you do it right. If the things that matter are worth doing, they are worth doing the proper way. They are worth doing in the best way possible, that helps others, that provides something of substance, that makes you proud, and shows you in the best possible light.
Take the time to be your best, and if you don’t have that kind of time, figure out why that is and fix it. These days it’s hard to prioritize because things seem overwhelming, but it’s your job to keep yourself from becoming overwhelmed.
Take inventory often, examine your priorities, and do your best.

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