Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Give whatever you can afford to give. The stars don't mean money, although you could be generous with that, too.
Be generous with your time. With your love. With your kindness and caring and understanding.
Share your compassion. Your wisdom. Your life.
Tell people the things they need to hear, tell them about your mistakes and triumphs. Tell them about the times you found joy and times you found heartbreak. Tell them about how you kept on going.
Don't arbitrarily decide who gets comfort and who gets judged and shunned. If someone is hurting, if someone is slipping, if someone might be falling apart, give what you can afford.
The stars want to remind you that very often it is a stranger that helps more than any other. Often, the closest bonds form and the world is changed when you understand your opponent. Sometimes, the person in crisis you see is not really who that person is, and the person trying to appear strongest is the person who is most vulnerable.
Don't be taken advantage of. Don't enable if you realize that's what you're doing. Don't get dragged down if you're not strong enough right now. Don't ruin your life in the process.
Just give what you can afford.

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