Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

For some people, the only way to feel good about themselves is to feel superior to someone else.
The problem is that they will always feel inferior, because their self worth is tied up in some bizarre, distorted competition. There are no actual rules, there is no foundation, just feelings of unease and inadequacy.
That is why so many people are invested in denying any truth or reality if it means keeping their ego intact. That is why they attack you when you try to show them anything that goes against their fragile and convoluted worldview. They have a vested interest in denial.
That is why they often wind up consumed with hate and prejudice, lashing out at anyone or anything that differs from them. Their confidence is entwined with their perception of other's faults.
The stars want to point out something else. Engaging these people and attacking them back only drags you down as well. Beating your head against a wall while fighting with someone whose sole objective is to ignore what you are telling them is hardly productive or smart. It is frustrating and pointless, yet we keep getting sucked in, rather than just walking away.
What does it say about your own ego and self worth that you need so desperately to convince them that they are wrong?

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