Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

At some point, you might just have to let someone you love hit bottom. It's not an easy thing to do, but when you find yourself enabling more than helping, it could be your last resort.
You hope they finally get to a point where they realize that they need help, and then you can be there for them, and help them repair their lives. Often, with romantic partners, it will end up being someone else who helps them, and they find happiness with, and that's when you learn whether or not your love was unconditional.
Sometimes it doesn't help. Sometimes they stay at rock bottom, or worse, they end up dead. That's a result you have to be prepared for. Then you are left with guilt and questions and indescribable heartbreak. All the stars can do is reassure you that you did the best you could, and it's not your fault. The only thing that would have been different is that you would probably be there at the bottom, or dead with them, and that's too much to ask of anyone.

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