Monday, July 15, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to be careful of people who will make you into someone you’re not. First, they will do it without any help from you at all. There are so many people out there who have been hurt and damaged by others that they start to see the enemy everywhere. They are constantly looking you over, searching for any sign or crack that will expose you, that will say to them that you are like all the others who have done them wrong. Even if they tell you from the start how different you are from all the others, soon their own minds might poison them against you.
You might be thinking that the stars are talking about people with severe mental illnesses, and paranoia issues, but there are plenty of people without any of that going on who will still be convinced that you are hiding something. They are on high alert for any signal that something isn’t right, and when they think they see it, they will pounce. Their world is full of darkness, and they only see mayhem around them. There will be nothing you can do, because there is no right move once that thought is in their heads.
It’s not really their fault, because there are so many people in this world that have truly hurt them. People who have done unspeakable things, taken something from them that they may never get back. You become the stand-in for those people, and you find yourself taking a test with no right answers. You will bear the brunt of the punishment, for what someone else has done to them before you even came along.
If you really aren’t careful, you could find yourself helping them. You might find yourself behaving in the exact manner they accuse you of. Some people aren’t content to simply project onto you, they will push and prod you, they will hurt and damage you, until you end up fulfilling whatever twisted prophecy they had for you all along. They will lie to you, they will cheat you, they will go to any length to prove that they are as horrible as they think they are, and you are as horrible as well. They will hurt you as badly as others hurt them. They will turn you into someone you’re not.
Then you might find yourself acting out in just the way they expected you to all along. It’s a lot easier to lose yourself than you think, and once you do, all hope will be gone.
The stars want you to learn to recognize something like that when it’s happening. It’s not easy, because you can’t really imagine it until you’ve lived it, and even then, it doesn’t always take. People are a minefield, full of tricks and distortions, confusion and deceit. Certainly not all of them, but enough of them to mess up your life faster than you think. All you can do is be on the lookout for anyone who makes you out to be someone you’re not, lest they turn you into that as well. Because the world already has too many people who hurt and terrorize and wreak havoc.
The stars need you to hang onto your precious self, and remain a light, rather than become one more patch of darkness.

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