Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars know that it's cold right now for a bunch of people. The good news is that your body is a little machine, a furnace deep down inside, glowing away and radiating heat. If you're lucky enough to have shelter and heat, and you probably are if you're reading this, you'll be fine, other than the inconvenience of being colder than usual at some points throughout the day.
Your body is a furnace in the metaphorical sense as well. You go through life radiating whatever it is that's burning inside you. That can be good or bad, so be careful what you put out into the world. You can inspire or you can just burn the world.
You are like a star, but you get to decide what kind of light you give off, and what kind of star you want to be: life giving, or a destroyer of worlds. Choose wisely.

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