Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to tell you a story. A story about who we are. They want you to know that they have watched over us for a long time. A very, very long time.
They watched us come down from the trees. They watched us migrate out of Africa, they watched us spread out across the globe. They saw us teeter on the brink of extinction, they saw us outlast other primates and hominids, they saw it all.
The story they want to tell you starts some 20,000 years ago. Mankind was dealing with an ice age, and all the other trials and tribulations that came along with living as nomads on a cruel and inhospitable planet.
It was a turning point that would decide what we would become, just another species eking out an existence alongside everything else, or something the world had never seen before or since.
We tamed the wolf, and then slowly mutated them into every dog species we see today. We took the grains and vegetables and fruit in the field and changed their DNA until they suited our needs. We regulated the growing seasons, we domesticated herd animals for milk, food and clothing. Settlements, and villages sprung up, and gave way to cities, huge metropolitan sprawls before there was even concrete or steel, or even the arch.
We changed the very world to suit our needs. All with the exact same brains and backs we possess today.
Then came science, and math and philosophy, as we figured out the riddles of everyday life and the stars themselves. Art, literature, unbound creativity that has no ceiling.
We have accomplished so much, collectively, and we still have a long way to go. There is no limit.
The story that the stars are telling you is still a work in progress. We are here now, to play our part in this amazing, glorious saga, to make our mark and write our own chapter.
When you think back on it like that, how a mere 20,000 years ago humans starting molding the very world to suit their needs, with so much less of an advantage that we have today… well, you wonder if we could be doing better.
We have been civilized for millennia, yet with all the advances, with all the achievements, with all the near godlike accomplishments, we often seem like we aren't civilized at all. We have so many more advantages than those first world shapers, but we often leave the better parts of our humanity behind.
We have a duty to our ancestors and our children. We have a responsibility to do better, and the stars wonder if we are shirking that duty. Are we caught up in pettiness and greed, short sighted and ruled by fear? We have unlimited power and possibilities, but are we earning the right to posses them? Are we amazing and worthy of being heard, or just loud and abrasive, with no content and nothing to offer or fulfill but our own selfish needs?
The stars think it's high time we start working on that aspect of the story, and start thinking about where the narrative is going. We should decide once and for all what the outcome will be, if it's a fairy tale or a tragedy.

The stars are telling us our story, but only we can write the ending.

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