Sunday, October 2, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that none of you make any sense, to them, or to each other. No one seems capable of expressing themselves about what they want or what they need, or even who they are.
This is somewhat normal, but with the invention of the Internet, it is all on display constantly. Everyone has access to everyone else's thoughts and opinions, and finds out about things that we never wanted to know.
Most people are involved in somewhat superficial relationships. We all have friends that are more acquaintances that we have a few things in common with, but we don't know on a deeper level.
Suddenly, on social media, you discover that the guy from the bowling team is for a different political party than you, or is racist or a bleeding heart. You can't understand how they think the way that they do, and if you engage them about it you will find that they don't seem to have any good reason either.
It's ironic that in an age where we have so much technology readily available to keep in touch and share information that we seem like we are losing the ability to communicate at all. We all know what we know, and damn anyone that tries to tell us different.
Many of us don't even have well thought out reasons about why they think the way they do. Like everything else these days, they just let outside forces tell them what to think, usually by preying on their fears or insecurities. These outside influences use specious reasoning and half truths to trip us up, and we increasingly fall for it every time.
Thus, when you try to engage people to debate their positions, you end up in a straw man argument that goes nowhere. People are happy to let others do their thinking for them. Most people put a very low premium on thinking, and social media is making that obvious.
The stars want to remind us once again that just being a decent, well rounded person takes work. There is no shortcut, and while you think there is, you are cheating yourself and the world around you. You are giving the essential things that make you who you are short shrift.
Examine yourself everyday. Question what you think and why you think it. We are never going to agree on everything, nor should we. Our differences are our strengths in so many ways.
Just make sure who you are makes sense, to yourself and to those around you, otherwise we will soon find ourselves well connected and completely isolated at the same time, and that is a very lonely place indeed.

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