Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know. They know that sometimes life can seem like a sadistic test with nothing but trick answers.
They know that others can cut you down carelessly and take the wind from your sails and leave you adrift at sea.
They know that even when you see every angle, and comprehend the logic and reason of a situation, when you realize why things are the way the are and that they must be that way, that this knowledge only makes it more excruciating.
The stars know that there is a whole world in each and every one of us that no one else ever sees, even though it is right there in front of them and you want nothing more than for someone, anyone, to notice and get it. It seems no one ever will, either they can't see it or they just don't care because they are too busy with the big beautiful scary indescribable world swirling inside of them.
The stars know.
And they want you to know that you're beautiful and amazing and terrible and imperfect and almost too wonderful to exist.
But you do. You and that frighteningly gorgeous world you carry with you everywhere you go.

The stars know.

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