Monday, June 12, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes, on paper, life seems like a lost cause. It appears that when you look at it logically, there's no point to it. There's more pain than pleasure, there's more moments that can break you than moments that can save you.
Sometimes it can all seem unbearable.
But still you go on, because you know it will get better. You know that it's an illusion, this wretched existence. There are more good things than bad, maybe not right now, but in the balance sheet of life.
The stars want to tell you that they're proud of you, because you have endured some really horrible shit during your time on the planet, and you're still here.
And for those who of us that couldn't endure it, they hold no judgment and weep for you, and the joy you missed out on. Because there's always joy to be found, you just have to want to seek it out.

The stars implore you to never stop searching.

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