Friday, June 9, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
There are times in your life when you feel that you helped the wrong people. Maybe you were there for them when they needed you, and when you need them, they can't be found. Maybe you invested a lot, but got very little return.
Perhaps they're selfish, or they never really cared, or maybe they were just messed up. Maybe they even lied and used you and are laughing about it somewhere. They might be so damaged that they don't know what they're doing, or they might just be evil jerks.
Point is, you expended energy on people that couldn't give it back, so you are bitter or put out.
The stars want to remind you that you don't just help people because you expect something in return, at least you're not supposed to. You helped them because you cared, not because you want to hold it over their head.

When someone proves that they are incapable of giving back, then you might decide they aren't worth the trouble, but don't get hung up on what you might have lost. If you let the fact that you were good enough to help someone purely out of love and you aren't getting anything out of it consume you, you're losing more than the initial outlay of time and energy, and that's your own fault. The best thing you can do is let it go and move on, and be there for the people in your life that don't make you question your kindness.

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