Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know they you've earned the right to be bitter. They know the times you tried, but the world still worked against you. They know the effort you put forth and how it didn't get you anywhere. They know the kindness and love you showed, and how it didn't seem to matter.
They understand that we all get a raw deal now and then. Sometimes it seems that's all we get, but perspective and time always shows you that's not the case, if you just hold on long enough.
The stars can't fix it, but they can let you know that they see it, and they feel your pain. They know how it feels when you are so hurt that you can't even put it into words, and they want you to know that you've earned the right to be as bitter as you can.
But just because you've earned it doesn't mean you have to do it. That hard earned pain is where wisdom comes from, it's what heroes do on their way to becoming heroes. They don't give up, and they don't let the bad choices and circumstances of the world get them down. They keep moving towards something better, towards happiness.
The stars want to remind you that you always have a choice. They also want you to know that even if you make the wrong one, there's always going to be someone there to bring you back.

But they want to be clear: that's your choice too.

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