Thursday, February 15, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you that although you might be selfless and caring, your brain often is not. Your brain’s job is to get you whatever you train it to make it think you need. It is a mass of chemicals and electricity that has a few base functions that affect everything else it does. Everything you do is because somewhere your brain is getting you something it thinks you need. There are very few truly selfless acts.
Perhaps you've trained your brain into releasing endorphins when you do unselfish and loving things, and that's good. Your brain gets what it wants and you get to help others. Helping others simply makes you happy, and that's a very fair trade off.
You need to be aware of your motivations though. Sometimes we try to help others, but our brain has a sinister motive. Maybe you are helping because your brain thinks there's a chance of a sexual or romantic reward, when the person you're helping isn't even ready the something like that. You may end up getting what you think you want, but you will hurt them more on the long run and sabotage any relationship you think you will gain. You might think that you're helping when you're simply enabling.
Sometimes we use unselfish behavior and the fact that we helped someone to justify our own bad behavior. We deserve a reward, so we eat a high calorie meal when we're trying to lose weight. We have a drink because we deserve it, even though alcohol is affecting our life and we're trying to slow down. We ignore other responsibilities because we think we should get a break, but it will only taint our good deeds and leave you worse off in the end.
The brain is clever and resourceful, and will work nonstop to get you the things it thinks you need. It will even keep you in the dark about what's going on, destroying you because it thinks it's helping. Your brain only knows what you tell it, so be aware and be careful of how you present yourself and the world to it.
All this does not mean that the stars want you to be selfish, or stop helping people. The stars want you to keep doing good things, just examine why you do them and how it effects your own life. You're not helping anyone if you're only hurting yourself in the long run.

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