Thursday, February 15, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to warn you that everybody lies. Big lies and small lies. People that mean you harm and want to rob or ruin you, as well as people who love you and only want to do good things. The government, Madison Avenue, Hollywood, religion, the media, businesses and charities alike, all will lie to you. Constantly.
Some lie to fool you, some lie to protect you. We even lie to ourselves on a daily basis. We can’t help it. It seems that lying is hardwired in us, and we can’t stop even if we wanted to.
The stars want you to understand that while that’s not a great scenario, it still doesn’t mean that the world is a horrible place and we are all doomed. You just need to understand what the rules are, and then adjust accordingly.
It also means you have to be smart, and figure out which lies are acceptable and which are deal breakers. The same applies to the lies you tell yourself. Some you tell yourself to justify your actions, some you tell yourself because you don’t want to face the truth, and some you tell yourself just so you can get out of bed in the morning. Everyone you know is dealing with those lies too. Until we figure out how to read minds, every relationship you have will involve a leap of faith.
The stars want you to be sure that you are putting your faith in the right people.

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