Thursday, February 15, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that a lot of the time you go about your life completely oblivious to some of the problems that you have had dominate your existence. You don't even think about them until something pops up to remind you, then you can't stop obsessing over it.
We have trouble letting things go, the stars have mentioned that many times. We always feel like we're not ready to move on. We feel as if we are betraying ourselves or someone else, or a memory.
No one else, not even the stars, can tell you exactly when it's time for you to let go and move on. What the stars can tell you, though, is that if you have to do a lot of the work reminding yourself about some trauma or something lost, then you're probably close. If you consciously interrupt your happiness time and again so you can drag yourself through the thing you've already gotten past, then you might need to do something about it.
When there's something bad in our past or that's bothering us, we often want to do something to take our minds off of it. Sometimes that something is self destructive, but that's how desperate we are to drown it out. Then one day we arrive at a point where it isn't hounding us every moment. It recedes, and we are finally granted a reprieve from the incessant torment. That is when, if we are not careful, we will start to miss it, and go searching it out. Actively straining to hear the very thing we tried to silence.
The stars want you to recognize when you've already won, and not to slip backwards. It's always those last few pounds, that last drink or cigarette that trips you up. It's the same with moving on from your pain.
When the time comes, open your hand, let your fingers unfurl, and let it slip silently from your grasp. And as simple as that, you're free.

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