Monday, July 9, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
You're probably a worse person than you think you are. Chances are, you have some tendencies or outlooks on the world put there by your parents or your church or your friends or some politicians that aren't the best. Many people don't recognize racism or hatred, or just the fact that what they believe is wrong, because they don't want to do the work to figure it out. We can be stubborn and indignant and unaware of things because we were just told that the wrong way was the right way when we were young, and we never questioned it. So we all do things that might not be the best thing.
The good news is that you are also a much better person than you think you are. We rip ourselves apart and judge ourselves too harshly for things that aren't even our fault, or even problems. It's the amazing thing about the human brain that we can get be both worse and better than we see ourselves at the same time, and not have a clue.
The stars advise you to just figure it out as you go. If you even wonder a little bit if you could be better, then it means you are most likely not a sociopath, and capable of knowing right from wrong. But you're not born simply knowing that, you have to work at it. You need to figure that out, and not let fear or ego get in the way.
And the stars know that you'll do it. The stars see the good and bad in everybody, and they know that there is more good in all of us, if we just get out of our own way.

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