Monday, July 2, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
It is easy to become cynical. It is easy to let anxiety and fear of the unknown future get the better of you. It is easy to let hysteria creep in, and for paranoia to get a foothold. It is easy to see boogeymen around every corner, and let the events in our life and in the world make us something we are not. When that happens, we end up swinging blindly, and hitting those who are on our side.
The stars suggest you find your core, and hone it into something that brings you strength and peace. When you know who you are, and you know what you are capable of, you are well ahead of the game. It’s not about being unfeeling, it’s the opposite in fact. You can face things head on, and look even the most terrible things in the eye, and stare them down. You are not afraid to experience everything, good and bad, and feel it all. You learn to give each obstacle or atrocity in your life just what it needs, and can make smart, rational decisions, rather than just react blindly. Things can affect you without affecting who you are.
Because things are not always going to go your way, not by a long shot. Know who you are, and hold to that, and you won’t be thrown when it happens. You will still be you, consistent and true to yourself, and secure and at peace, even though the world seems to be falling apart around you.

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