Monday, July 9, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars often tell you to decide who you want to be and go be it. It takes a lot of effort and self examination to figure out who you want to be, and how to get there. The journey is its own reward, because you’re never quite done with it. People who know who they are and live it are the ones that people tend to respect and admire. They are usually the ones who get things done and achieve greatness. They are usually the happiest and most well rounded.
People who have spent the time finding themselves will develop empathy, and are generally kinder and more caring. That is because in the process of finding yourself, you examine what it means to be someone else. You understand that to become you doesn’t come at the expense of others. You explore the world around you, and what motivates and drives people, and what holds them back. You discover as many pitfalls as you do victories. It is often a pleasure to be around those people, because they don’t have a lot of issues and demons holding them back anymore. People gravitate towards others who have something to offer, who make life a pleasure, and don’t add to your misery.
Then there are those people who don’t care about figuring anything out. They don’t care about growth or personal responsibility, they don’t care about other people or how they feel. They are filled with contempt and resentment, and they don’t even realize it. They expect you to do the work, and you to put up with their incessant complaining and blaming other people for their lives.
It can be exhausting at times, and no one is looking for extra work because you're too lazy to do it, so don’t be surprised if one by one they stop working and go off and find someone they actually enjoy being around. That’s part of figuring it out too.

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