Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Nearly everything you do in life is in response to fear, whether you realize it or not. Fear turns us into people we don't want to be.
Just as bad is the fact that fear holds us back. We end up not doing or saying the things we want because we are afraid of failing or looking foolish.
The stars want you to think back on all the times fear has entered your life. How many times did the thing you fear turn out to be as bad as you imagined? Even if it did, did spending all that time worrying and afraid help you one bit?
How many times did you overcome fear and do what you wanted, damn the consequences? You survived every time, and you'll survive again.
Don't be afraid to try, don't let fear dictate who you are. Don't be afraid to love, and don't be afraid to be alone or move on. Don't be afraid of things that don't actually affect your life in the least, don't give in to blind panic and hysteria. Don't be afraid of what the future might hold, enjoy the present and learn from the past.
The stars want you to be as close to fearless as you can whenever you can. You've done it before, you know how. Don't be afraid to be unafraid. Don't be afraid to be you.

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