Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to remember that sometimes when you are going through things, you are not the person you usually are. When your mind is filled with uncertainty and pain and loss and anger at cruel fate, you can sometimes lose yourself. Now matter how kind and caring and fair you think you might be, you’re not perfect, and you’re not always the best person you could be.
That’s life, and you shouldn’t punish yourself for it, you should just try to keep it at a minimum.
Remember that when people around you are dealing with things that are hurting or worrying or scaring them. You might not even know about it, but keep sight of who they are normally, and try to be there for them. Sometimes when the pain and fear is too great, it can leave lasting damage, so it is your obligation as a friend or family member to help them keep sight of what is good and right in their lives while they deal with whatever it is they are dealing with. Neither you or them can afford the luxury of hurt feelings.
That’s life, and you shouldn’t punish them for it either.

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