Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars get tired too. The stars sometimes feel like no one appreciates them, or that all their work and caring is wasted. We all feel like telling the world to go to hell at times, because it’s just too hard anymore, and it seems like there is no point. Kindness only allows people to take advantage of you, caring and sticking up for others just gets you a kick in the teeth instead, logic and reason only gets you scorn from the people who don’t want to see it.
Life is hard, for everyone. It can kick and beat you, it can heap misery and pain on you, it can wear you down slowly or devastate you in an instant. A lot of your life is spent simply recovering from life. It is work, it is effort, and it ceaseless in its cruelty.
It is worth it all, though. No matter how bad it gets, there are always enough good things to counteract that bad stuff.
It might be your family, it might be your kids, it might be the person you love. It could be your pet, it could be music or books or art. It could be nature, it could be science, it could be a hobby. There should be people and things in your life that when you look at them, it gives you strength and a reason to keep going. There is goodness all around, but we should all have things that encompass it all, and give our life meaning and our hearts strength.
The stars think that you should take a moment and think of those things now, and see if it doesn’t bring a smile to your face. See if it gives you a little boost and a feeling of security or peace. See if it gives you a sense of satisfaction and purpose. See if the things you think about provide a place in your heart and mind where you feel safe and happy. If you have that in your life, you can conquer anything. You can suffer the idiots and mayhem that come at you from all sides. You can point to something and say “It’s worth it.”
The stars know that some of you might not be able to come up with those things. They know some of us have driven the joy and love from their lives. They know some of us punish ourselves and deny us the things that matter because we think that’s what we deserve. The stars want you to know that it is never too late to find those things. There are people everywhere with the capacity to love. There are millions of things just waiting for you to see them. There is a world full of infinite possibilities and joy and exhilaration, and all you have to do is accept it.
The stars get tired too. Then they look out on the beauty of the universe, and draw their strength and courage from so many people who do amazing and wondrous things. People who think that all they do goes unnoticed and unappreciated, but it doesn’t. The people in your life and the stars see and appreciate it all, because chances are you are one of those special things that keeps them going.

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