Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that an awful lot of people don't think much of themselves. When you show them love or kindness, they grow to resent you, because they think they don't deserve it. They will think you are wonderful and amazing for awhile, then they will start to question your motives.
They will wonder why you are wasting your time on them. They will think you have some ulterior motive, and that you must be toying with them or mocking them. They think that all the gifts you possess are an affront to them personally, like you're rubbing it in their faces to show them how horrible they really are.
Worse, they will go out of their way to prove that they are as terrible as they think they are. They will prove to you that you shouldn't have wasted your time on them. They will even some score they feel exists to be settled. They will punish you for loving them.
There is no way to win, because many people, at some points in their lives, make it so they can't win. Someone or something has taken all their self worth and damaged them deeply, and they are intent on finishing the job.
The good news for those people is that they obviously are not as terrible as they think they are. More good news is that there is no shortage of people who would love them and care for them and make all their dreams come true.
The only catch is that for any of that to happen, you first have to let go of the past and forgive yourself. It's the only way, and it's seldom easy or simple. It takes work, and time, and tears, and pain, but it is so worth it. You can't help someone who thinks that they are not worth helping, and you can't expect someone to help you if you aren't helping yourself. It all goes hand in hand.
The stars want you to know that these very things are a large part of what derails the whole human race. These very issues are at the heart of so many problems we face in so many areas; relationships, family, communities, school, politics, addiction, crime, the list goes on. We waste time on a tug of war that no one can ever win. It is complex and unique, but at the same time simple and commonplace, but we spend our lives with camouflage and mirrors because we are afraid of the obvious. We know what it is because we know what terrifies us, but it is the very things that terrify us that we should face head on.
The stars wish you all the luck in the world with that.

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