Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
Some days you are going to feel like you are in tune with the universe, like you are part of a vast intricate machine, and everything is going your way. Other days, you are going to feel like you are adrift and out of step, and you just can’t do anything right.
Some days you will do things that dazzle the people around you, and they will compliment you and tell you how much they love having you around. Other days, the things you do will go unnoticed and unremarked upon, and people will seem to look right through you.
Some days, it seems like you are the most important person in someone’s life, the next, it’s like you don’t matter at all.
Some days, the world is forgiving and kind, and others, it can seem harsh and full of blame.
Some days, you will get it right and be the hero, others, you will screw it all up and be the goat.
Things is, most of the time the reason for most of those things is stuff you can’t control. People have other things going on in their lives, distractions are everywhere, the world has a short attention span, a lot of humans are flakey and don’t even know what they want. As a result, our ego pushes and pulls us in all directions.
There are precious few people you can count on in this world to put your needs first, or to give you the benefit of the doubt. That is why what you think of yourself matters so much. Have the confidence in yourself to believe in what you know, and the humility to fix the things that prove to be wrong. Then how the world reacts to you won’t always matter so much.
The stars know that peace and happiness comes from within. When you have that, the ups and downs of the world won’t seem as drastic and unforgiving. Figure out who you are, and hold onto it.
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