Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that most of the things people claim that they are mad about are usually just to distract them from the things they are really mad about.
They need to blame or rail against ideas or people they will never meet because those things can't fight back. They don't have the courage or means to change or fight the things in their life that are actually holding them down or making their lives miserable.
So they malign immigrants and women and minorities and gays. They judge everyone so they can avoid judging themselves. They bully others who can't defend themselves. They kill animals, or join mobs, or they troll on social media, because they are cowards and they are weak.
They have no real views or opinions, because they are blinded and fueled by their own misery and willful ignorance. In their warped reality, it is not in their best interest to look at the facts and data to inform their decisions, because that will take away the one thing that makes them feel like they are better than someone else. They will fight you to remain oblivious rather than grow or acknowledge their own shortcomings.
That is a sad life, because like most things that provide you with a moment of euphoria, it comes with so much baggage and guilt that you can't hide from. It festers, and infects all aspects of life.
They will often try to find one thing that makes them feel like they are good people. They will claim to be religious, or help animals, or care about children, but that is just lip service. You can't be full of anger and hate and truly love anything. You can't care about anyone when you don't love and respect yourself.
The stars implore not to go that route. It is all twists and circles, all leading to a dead end.You will leave yourself open to nefarious leaders who want to use you for their own gain. You will only find more reasons to hate yourself, and more damaging behavior to try to alleviate the pain and shame. You will drive the good people from your life, you will only attract others who you will resent as much as you resent yourself. It is a disease, and if left untreated, will only get worse. You will find yourself stunted, angry, and alone.
The stars want you to know that you don't have to live that life. You can walk back towards the light, and people will accept you back into their arms. You just have to change, and face your fears, and do the work you've been avoiding all this time. It's hard work, but it gets easier the moment you start doing it.
The stars need you to understand that the hardest and most pointless thing you can do is waste your life hiding from yourself.

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