Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
You can be very perceptive, but ignore what you see. You can really intelligent, but make foolish decisions. You can be beautiful on the outside, but horrible underneath. You could have extraordinary wealth, but be morally bankrupt. You can be surrounded by love, but incapable of reciprocation.
You can have every advantage and privilege in the world, and still mess the whole thing up. That's part of the cruel and indifferent way life distributes its gifts.
The stars want to remind that the opposite is also true. You can be born at a great disadvantage, and still somehow rise above it all. Just as important, you can change the things that are holding you back, and even out the equations.
The world is one of infinite possibilities, and every day you have a choice of what's possible and what's not, at least in some areas. So why not make the right choice wherever you have the opportunity?

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