Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that there are things in your life that just don't seem right. Things other people tell you about the way you're supposed to be. Feelings you have that don't match what's expected of you, by your family, by your friends, by society. Feeling different than you are “supposed” to feel about religion, sexuality, pop culture, politics, style, gender norms… anything, really.
You might not even feel right about living in the society you live in, or the job you work at, or the very life you're living. Most of us push those feelings down, and just go on living it anyway. We tell ourselves that's just how it is, or we get conditioned by familiarity and what has always been the norm.
The stars want you to really think about the things that dissatisfy you. They want you to examine what feels wrong, even if the world around you is trying to convince you that it's right. It might turn out that it is you that is wrong, but more often than not you might discover that you are living the life someone else decided you should live.
The only way to be happy is to live your life the way that makes you feel complete and fulfilled, and you can't do that while you're stifling your feelings, denying who you are, or bottling up your creative urges. If you have to convince yourself and others that you are happy, chances are pretty good that you are not.
Don't be someone you're not, just because it's expected of you. Be you. Change the way you think. Change your life. Change the world.
Be happy.

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