Monday, July 15, 2019


Today’s Horoscope

There will always be someone better at something than you are. There will always be someone smarter or prettier or more talented. There will always be someone stronger and faster, more imaginative or dexterous or charismatic. You are never going to be perfect, or be all things to all people.
The good news is, you don’t have to be. There are billions of people out there, and they all have different ideas of what all those things should be, so while you may not be the best at any of them in some pure comparison based on statistics and analytics, chances are that there is someone who thinks you’re pretty amazing just the way you are.
The stars want to remind you that you should think of yourself as amazing as well. Celebrate your gifts without shame and stifling modesty, and celebrate the gifts of others without bitterness and resentment. Don’t view everything in life as some contest you can’t win. Instead, view it as a celebration and an exhibition, where just being in the show means you’re already winning.

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