Today’s Horoscope
The stars know that everywhere you look, there seems to be a reason to give up on the world. Bad news is everywhere, pain and suffering is right in front of you all the time, and the world is full of evil and uncaring people.
Still, if you take the time to look, the world is also full of people fighting back. It is full of people who care and who help and take the time to make the world a better place. It is full of beauty and love and kindness, of joy and sacrifice and celebration.
Now you can choose to ignore all that, and just focus on the negative, and use that as an excuse to give up and not try, but where is that going to get you? You can join the good fight, and you can do that by simply being kind, and not making the world any worse. Any little thing you do that brings a smile to someone’s face, or makes a moment of their lives a little better, will make your life better as well. In turn, that makes the world better, and without even realizing that you’re doing it, you’re giving hope and spreading joy and maybe helping someone make it through another day.
Because the stars want to remind you, most of the time we are just looking for one little thing to reassure us that the world is not as dark and cruel and evil as it can seem. That one little push is the thing that keeps us going sometimes, and who are you to deny that to the world and to yourself?
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