Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

Arguing is a part of life. People disagree. People get hurt, people get angry, people sometimes let things build up until they can't keep it in any longer.
Arguments are a normal part of life, and any relationship, but some people are just not equipped for it. Perhaps they were told arguing is impolite, or their parents told them that their opinion didn't matter. Maybe they have had bad experiences with abusive people in the past. Maybe they have abandonment issues or ptsd, or they just hate confrontation.
Some people love to argue. They don't see it as a bad thing, and it energizes them, or it let's them feel that they are getting their point across. Still, they get carried away, and they drive people away with it.
Most people are just bad at arguing. They make it personal, or they get defensive. They can't stick with whatever topic is at hand, because once they get upset, they bring up everything that has ever bothered them.
None of it is fair, none of it is necessary, but we can't seem to find the alternative. We end up saying and doing things we regret, and our pride or insecurities keep us from making them right again.
The stars wonder sometimes how the human race has made it this far. Many aspects of human interaction are like worn out and patched up machines, lurching along, always on the verge of breaking down. Still, somehow we go on; we love, we fight, we lick our wounds, all the time just waiting to take it out on the person we count on most.

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