Monday, July 15, 2019


Today's Horoscope

The stars want to remind you once again that your brain is devious, and will trick you every chance it gets. It is especially good at getting out of doing work that it doesn't want to do.
Your brain will constantly distract you with anything in its arsenal. We can easily spot when our brain tries to sell us on pop culture entertainment, or leisure time, so we put off facing ourselves. It will tell you that something on the news that hardly affects you, or some political hyperbole, or some tragic circumstances you can do nothing about warrants your attention more. It even rewards with some chemicals to make you think you're accomplishing something or doing the Lord's work, when you're really just deflecting.
In fact, your brain will even get you to focus on other people's faults and problems in an effort to get you to ignore your own. We even wind up telling ourselves how considerate and caring we are as we shift our neurosis onto others, when it's just another way to sidestep the issues affecting us.
So train yourself to work on your own stuff. Even if it's just a little bit each day. Start with the little things you need to do or fix. If there are bigger things, break them down, and do a percentage each day. Soon you'll find that being productive and bettering yourself is more satisfying, and your brain will reward you for that instead of giving you negative reinforcement.

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