Today's Horoscope
The stars watch as many of us live lives of vague dissatisfaction. If someone asked you, could you put into words everything that's wrong in your life, or that brings you confusion or turmoil or apathy?
Could you even conceive of what would truly make you happy and fulfill your dreams? If you could, would you be brave enough to say it out loud?
We accumulate so much fear and shame and uncomfortable comforts in our lives that we end up shackled with them, locked in a cage we create. We find reasons and excuses to not be who we are, and do the things we want to do, and somehow fool ourselves into thinking there's nobility in that.
You can't be happy if you aren't free to find happiness. You can be free and have responsibilities, you can be free and be in love, you can free while maintaining your attachments to what you care about.
You can't be free living a lie. You can't be free stifling the desires within you. You can't be free denying what you know and feel to be true.
So think honestly about what would truly make you happy, and bring you fulfillment and satisfaction.
Then say it, to yourself, and to the people in your life.
Then do it.
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