Today's Horoscope
The stars want to remind you that real change is hard. You can change your ideology and your behavior, but that's not easy. It takes a lot of soul searching and effort. It takes tearing yourself down, and looking at things you don't want to face. It takes humility, and sacrifice, and a bunch of other things that people are really averse to doing.
Change can happen, though. It happens every day. People overcome what they've learned and what they've been through. They can get to a place where they realize that their previous held beliefs are wrong, that their worldview no longer works, and they grow and move on.
What are nearly impossible to change are your compulsions and instincts. Some people are fated through their genes and body chemistry, and the electrical firings in their brain to be afflicted with things that can destroy everything in their lives.
Some are addicts, and everyday is a struggle because it never goes away. It is a herculean effort to remind themselves, and to control what their brain is telling them. Screaming at them, most of the time. If you know someone who is a recovered or recovering addict, always keep in mind that they are fighting a battle that you never see, and most likely can never comprehend.
Some people have a tendency towards violence and cruelty, and that is a very dangerous thing. That is something that rarely changes, but everyday people talk themselves into staying with someone who is violent and abusive. Changing that behavior is very rare, and every moment of your life is a moment where you are in harm's way. The stars strongly advise against playing those odds. Just steer clear of anyone who shows you that they can't control themselves, or it's not going to end well.
The thing about change is, it's constant. It is one of the greatest evolutionary advantages we have. To resist it is dangerous and pointless. Once you stop changing, you stop growing, and you fall out of step with the world around you. You might lie, and tell yourself that's a good thing, but it's not. It is stagnation and isolation and death. You can't be successful in a world you don't understand.
The stars are here to let you know that there is nothing to fear, and no point fighting it. Let go of your insecurities and your ego, let go of the past that can never return, and embrace change, in yourself and the world around you. It's going to happen, whether you like or not, you might as well change along with it.
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