Friday, July 15, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to tell you that satisfaction is great, but you need to understand that it’s fleeting and it is the nature of life to be unsatisfied most of the time.  You can be generally satisfied with your life and most everything in it, but that is usually a vague feeling tied to a caveat about how things could be worse.
What would life be like if we were all satisfied anyway?  Nothing would change, no advances would be made, life would be one long, dull hum.  Keep striving, keep moving, don’t just get comfortable and let your life pass you by.  
Sure, you can get immense satisfaction from your accomplishments.  You can have satisfaction in a job well done, you can be satisfied with your time in the 5k run or the picture you painted, you can even be sexually satisfied, at least for a minute or two.  You deserve that.  Revel in your accomplishments and pat yourself on the back and enjoy it while it lasts.
Because satisfaction usually doesn’t last.  You start thinking about things and how you could do better or more efficiently or more deviant.  You will find that what satisfied you last week now seems mundane and unfulfilling.  That is why the human race has achieved so much in such a small amount of time.  
Billions of us, wanting something more, something better for us and our children.  
So when you’re sitting around feeling blue because life doesn’t seem as rewarding as it should be, and doesn’t give you peace of mind, remember it’s not supposed to.  It’s not life that’s the problem, it’s how you see life and it is lucky for us that we do.  So go out and change it.  Mold life into what you want, and when that brief window of satisfaction arrives, let it wrap you up and comfort you.  Then get back to making it better and chasing that next blip of satisfaction that you see way off on your radar.

The stars are never satisfied, hence they keep blowing themselves up and scattering themselves through the cosmos in an effort to make the entire universe a better and more satisfying place to live, be it only for a moment.

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