Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to tell you that there are times when you won't know what to do. Some of those times the stars won't know what to tell you to do either. They're magic, but they're not perfect.
Almost every time you feel like you are lost and you have have no answers, you know that somewhere deep inside you that you really do know what it is you have to do. You are afraid to admit it, or you just don't want to do what is best for you.
But you do know, and even though you're trying to ignore it, it is a small comfort knowing that you have the situation figured out.
There may be a few times in your life though that you honestly don't know what to do. You are standing at a crossroads and you have no idea where the other roads lead and you can't turn back.
These are the moments that decide your life, and who you are and what you'll become. These are the jumping off points that determine your foreseeable future, so pay attention.
While that may seem daunting, keep in mind that it is also liberating! You can't stand still any longer, and apparently there isn't much in your life that is working anymore, so what do you have to lose? You can choose to do anything you want right now. You have nothing left to lose, you have the whole world in front of you, to paint whatever color you like.
Your mind might tell you that there's nothing out there that interests you, but how will you really know until you try? You might think that there is nobody for you, but have you actually met everybody? You might feel you have no hope and no purpose, but that is its own kind of freedom and it can be a gift.
So take a step forward, even if you have no map, no compass, no idea where you are headed. There's always something waiting for you up ahead.
Just go, and know that all you have to do is look up and see that the stars are still there to guide you and help you get your bearings and you're never truly alone.

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