Monday, July 18, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you will have a moment that makes you laugh or smile, even if you're just smiling to yourself in your heart or mind.
Maybe you'll hear a song you forgot about and you’ll remember how much you love it. Maybe you will see something, be it a snippet of a TV show, or a cat that looks like your childhood cat, a picture on the Internet that reminds you of your fun, wild days you left behind, and you live relive some fond memories in an instant.
Maybe you will learn something you never knew, and it will answer a question you didn't even know you wanted an answer to. Or maybe it will be a little bit of knowledge that suddenly helps you make sense of a part of your life.
Perhaps someone will smile at you, or compliment you, or even hit on you, and whether you're interested or not, you will feel a little confidence boost.
Maybe you will finally do that thing you have been putting off because you've been scared of facing it, and you will find that it's not nearly as scary now.
Maybe you'll just see a sunset, or a flower, or hear a birdsong or watch a spider build a web and you will feel like a part of nature and everything around you, because you are, and being reminded of it makes you feel a little more at home in your skin.
Point is, there are going to be a multitude of these moments throughout your day, and you should notice them if you can and let them buoy you up as you go. We don't always acknowledge the tiny good things that make life better, but we seem to be quite adept at magnifying the tiny bad things.
The stars have seen it all, and they know they have to keep reminding you that that there's way more good than bad, and it's all worthwhile. They don't mind. They like telling you how wonderful you are, whether you can believe it or not, and they're not going to stop.

So look up once in awhile and let the stars remind you of the good things, and let them see you smile. They never get tired of that.

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