Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to take time out to recognize the 4th of July. They were there watching when the revolution happened. They are proud that stars were chosen to adorn our flag and represent the states.
The stars also want to remind you that the whole idea behind that revolution and this country was freedom and the right to a representative government. We take most of those things for granted these days.
Like everything else worthwhile, people fought and sacrificed for these freedoms and these ideals, and we should be fighting and protecting them still.
The stars want to tell you that it is your duty to be ever on guard against anyone taking those rights away from us, and that we should be prepared to work and fight and sacrifice, because it is our birthright, and a very precious thing.
We are squandering it, because those in power are manipulating us, ruling us with fear and lies. We need to do better, and hold those in power accountable, because really, we are the ones with the power and we give it away on a daily basis.
The stars say: earn your freedom. Vote. Get involved. Protest, sign petitions, do your homework and do what's best for this country and ALL the people living in it.
Because the stars will still be here years from now if we fail, but they will be sad as they reminisce about how we came so close and threw it all away.

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