Monday, September 26, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that even though people sometimes say “you can't help who you love“, that's bullshit.
Usually when someone says that, it is because the person they claim to love is abusive, or selfish, or just an asshole in general. They can't provide you with an actual good reason for loving them. Many times they are victims, and you shouldn’t get mad at them, but you should be firm and not condone or enable their behavior.
As you go through life, you make mistakes, and many of those mistakes come in the area of romance.  We pick the wrong people, we are fooled, by them or by ourselves.  We give our hearts to those that don’t deserve them and we pay dearly for it.  
We so desperately want to be loved, to be cherished, to feel special and lovely and like there is someone out there that understands us and appreciates what they have.  That person may exist, but you are not going to force someone into that role if it’s not who they are, no matter how much you try to will it to be so.
We all want that love, no matter how often we tell ourselves that we don’t care or we are done with it.  That’s when we are most vulnerable, because we are lying to ourselves and it opens us up to the lies of others.  The heart wants what the heart wants, but that’s not your heart.  Your heart is busy pumping blood all over your body while being bombarded with caffeine and sugar and God knows what else.
That is your brain, going around all the walls and roadblocks you put up, and trying to find you a mate. Trying to find a place where it belongs. It will do it with or without you, and when left to its own devices your brain will screw you every single time.
So we trick ourselves and delude ourselves and talk ourselves into situations we know are wrong, all because we gave up control over who we are.  First to our base instincts, then to whatever damaged individual was in the right place at the wrong time.
And we throw our hands up and proclaim that we can’t help who we love, or the heart wants what the heart wants, and we live in miserable torment.  
As always in these situations, the stars want you to remember that you know the truth, no matter how you try to ignore it.  So stop ignoring it.  
By ignoring it you will end up right back in a place where you find yourself spouting off idiotic sayings that mean nothing and remind you how bad you messed this up again.

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