Friday, September 23, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that you mean something to somebody.  Even if you don’t feel it, even if no one is telling you that, even if it seems like you have no one to call home, you mean something.  
Somewhere, someone is thinking about you. They might be smiling or they might be down or in trouble and the thought of you brings them peace or hope. They might long to see you or hold you or kiss you again, to have one more chance to get it right. Your memory might be saddled with regrets over how they mistreated you or didn't recognize what they had in you.
Or they could be cursing your name. They might hate you for what you've done, perceived wrongs or actual misdeeds. That's why you have be careful about how you treat people in your life.
It is a sad, lonely feeling when you think no one cares and you mean nothing.  And though it may feel they way, that is almost never the case.  We can talk ourselves into things that we know aren't true.
We think the worst of people sometimes, and it's almost never that way. That's just insecurity. When you truly start to believe you have no one, that's when you end up throwing away those you do have.
The stars want you to realize that you should never do that. There will always be people that care, people that see redeeming attributes in you, even when you don't. People that just miss having you around and seeing your face. At any given moment, someone is turning your memory over in their minds, and know that it's probably not nearly as bad as you think.

Every life reverberates through so many other lives, like ripples in a pond. The ripples you send out can gently rock the people in your life into a gentle, reassuring calm, helping them smoothly on their way, or it could upend their boats and leave them floundering. You leave a little of yourself with everyone you meet, it's up to you what form that memory takes.

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