Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to remind you that a promise made is most likely going to be a promise broken.  Most of the time when someone is making it a point to promise you something, it is because they are trying in earnest to make you believe whatever they are telling you.  That right there should let you know that they will probably not live up to it.
In fact, it’s usually the same people that continually break their promises to you.  For some reason, we keep them around to let us down over and over.  A promise means nothing to them.  It might in the moment, but it is soon forgotten and eventually they just say it on impulse, just like they might say “I love you” in their distracted manner.  It means nothing, and it is up to you to figure that out.  Often times when someone breaks a promise to you, they know that they are also breaking a promise to themselves, and that is much more damaging.
And we all break promises to ourselves.  Time and again we resolve not to do something, and we find ourselves doing it very soon after we vowed not to.  It’s not that we are all bad people, we just all seem to have lost track of what promising really means.  We use the word when it doesn’t apply, we are quick to promise because we actually believe it when we are saying it. It has become a word we use for emphasis, not a pact or sacred vow the word represents.  We just don’t think about what we are saying, and if it’s even feasible. Many times it is not.
We all break promises, it can’t be helped sometimes.  We all fall short now and then, and like anything else, each broken promise must be judged on its own merit.  
So before you go beating yourself up, or berating the people around you, think about when the promise was made and if it even made sense to make it.  If someone continually breaks promises to you, don’t let those people affect your life anymore, at least not until they have proven that they can be trusted again.
If someone you love breaks a promise, figure out if it was a promise that could have been kept in the first place.  Decide if the promise was given with the intent of a solemn vow or a figure of speech.  If it is a rare occurance and it wasn’t a huge thing, don’t make it into a huge thing.  Only you can decide that.
Most importantly, don’t beat yourself up for the promises you break to yourself. We often fall short of our goals the first time, or the first hundred times.  We are usually making promises when we shouldn’t be.  
Maybe don’t make so many promises at all, just decide to try. Tell yourself or the people around you that you will try your best, but don’t just automatically promise, because chances are you can’t live up to it.
Promises should not be entered into lightly, and most of us do not really know ourselves well enough to ensure that we can keep a promise made on the spot.
The stars think we should pay more attention to when the promise is made, rather than when it is broken.  If not, our lives will be littered with broken vows and disappointment, and that is a promise you can believe.  

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