Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's all there. The stars think you should know that everything you need to know about another person is all there.
They will tell you who they really are with every word, every action, every tiny movement. They will scream it to you in the way that treat you.
They will telegraph their lies, they will even flat out warn you that they are no good.
And we won't listen again, but we should. In the end, we will realize we knew it all the time and we did all their heavy lifting for them. We gave them the keys and let them in to take whatever they wanted.
The stars want to be loud and clear when they tell you that all people aren't bad, there are plenty of good ones. But for some reason we sometimes hold the bad ones closer, and give them huge pieces of us that they did not earn.
Who knows why? Well, our true friends do, but we seldom listen to them. We certainly know better, but we have become adept at ignoring our instincts and what we know to be true. The stars know, but in these modern times we can hardly see the stars and even if we did the powerful paths of the constellations are lost to us.

The stars want to tell us to stop doing that, give your love and energy to those that deserve it, but they know we probably won't. But like your true friends, they will be here when you finally have it blow up in your face again, and they will take you into their arms, and whisper the important things once again, and hope that this time it takes.

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