Monday, March 13, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars get it.  You’re all different.  It is seemingly impossible to get you to agree, even within your own groups.  You are forever branching off, finding things to separate you, alienate you, divide you, until strong branches peter out in small twigs, easily snapped and thrown in with the kindling.
Part of you wants a tribe, and part of you abhors being part of a tribe. You cannot even agree with yourself on some things.  Your own mind is a duality, and those two factions are in turn dualities, and so on and so on.
So many people, so many opinions, informed and haphazardly borne out of spite.  There is no way we can come together and achieve anything because we are all individuals and we exclude and categorize each other over any perceived difference.   
Yet, still we accomplish, still we achieve, still we build monuments and topple dictators.  Still we band together and get done what needs to get done, and don’t let anyone tell you anything different.  
Our individuality is one of our strengths, just like community is.  They can work hand in hand, as they have throughout history.  Very few people have accomplished anything entirely on their own.  
Your enemies want you at each other’s throats, infighting and unstable, ineffectual as your energies are wasted on trivial disagreements and straw man arguments.  Yet, even with all this chaos, we have still managed to rise above it, and we will keep on rising above it, because that’s what humanity does. We coalesce around a leader or an ideal when it is finally defined. Have faith in what has helped your species hold on and thrive.
We are all different, but we are all the same, and we will all recognize that again and continue to achieve the impossible, just as we always have.

We just await the rallying cry.

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