Friday, March 24, 2017


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to ask: what if none of it truly matters? What if your God is fake? What if all your efforts to change the world fail and all your pleas fall on deaf ears? What if giving all your love and effort to someone doesn't mean they will love or care for you?
What if no one hears your song or sees your painting or reads your words and it all ends up in a box in the back of your closet? What if everything you love has an end, if no matter how much you try to hold on to something it will eventually slip through your hands?
What if your job made no real impact, what if no one remembers you from high school, what if the people you know are just those you randomly met by virtue of your social caste and geography and love is a chemical reaction?
Does all that mean that the wonder we've experienced, all the love we've shared, the things we've accomplished, that all the things that really mattered to us should be discounted? Does it somehow mean that life is somehow not worth living?
Or would you still go on, because regardless of whether any of that's true or not, there are a million other things that still make it worthwhile, and no one can argue that.
And what if it's true that many of us will die alone, with most of our dreams unfulfilled?
The stars want to know if in your last minutes, will you deny your lips the smile that comes with memories of the dreams you managed to achieve?

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