Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you want to write, just write. If you want to sing, open your mouth and sing. If you want to draw or paint, just do that. The more you do it, the better you will become and the easier it will get.
If you find you like it, there are plenty of teachers that will give you lessons to learn how to do it better, or learn how to play an instrument to accompany you while you sing. Or maybe you just want to play an instrument.
If you want to blow glass, or throw pots, or sculpt, there are places where you can go and learn to do that. If you want to act, there are places you can do that too.
If you're not finding a movie or a play or a TV show that speaks to a certain part of you, you can make your own. That might be a little bit harder, and you’re going to need others to share in your vision, but it is certainly within your reach.
What the stars are trying to tell you is, if you want to create, just start creating. Sure, there may be obstacles in your way at times, but as usual, the biggest obstacle to overcome will be yourself.
We are our own worst critics. We constantly tell ourselves what we do isn't as good as what others do. When it comes to art, we are inspired and intimidated by what we admire. We tend to compare ourselves to our heroes, but what we forget is that our heroes are far into their journeys, and we are just starting out.
Chances are, whatever you try to do the first time is not going to be great, but most likely there will be something in there that you can be proud of, or at least intrigues you. So if you like it, keep doing it. You can't be afraid of failing.
You have to first learn to be comfortable with what is coming out of you, and not let your own insecurities stifle you.  Even if no one else is seeing what you do, humans have a way of limiting themselves because we think no one will understand it, or it’s too far out there.  Sometimes we fear it because it is too personal, but if you’re not prepared to let people see a part of you that most keep hidden, you may not reach your full potential as an artist.  
Ultimately, no matter how many people may love your creations, art should be something you do for yourself, so don’t worry about what others think.  Just go ahead and do it if you want to, in your time and on your terms.  You might find that you want to share yourself with the world.
Even if you never let anyone see or hear it, you can have something unique and part of you that’s just between you and the stars, and you will feel better because of it.  Besides, I happen to know for a fact that the stars will love it.

After all, they’re all about creation.

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